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 This week, researchers published a nutrition index to educate guidelines and support Americans in achieving healthy and environmental stability in meals. The index classified foods by minutes, with processed and sugar drinks as the major criminals, gained or lost healthy lives per serving.

Over 5,000 foods considered as environmental and health burdens have been found in the US diet.

The authors noted, "We use the results to inform the practical and viable marginal dietary changes." "We believe that tiny, targeted substitutions at food level can deliver compelling nutritional benefits and reduced environmental impacts."

The items analyzed were between 74 minutes per serving and 80 minutes. The majority of minutes of loss of healthy life included sugar drinks, hot dogs, burgars and breakfast sandwiches, while fruits, non starch and blended products, ready-to-eat cereals and cooked grains were the major gains.

In particular, researchers discovered a loss of 3.3 minutes due to sodium and hazardous trans-fatty acids for one 85 grams serving chlick wings, while a hot bovine beef dog in a bowl resulted in a loss of almost 36 minutes 'mostly due to the adverse effects of processed meat,' the study authors stated. Further, the increase of 33 minutes has been connected with peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.

The gains were also connected with gain between 10 and 15 minutes for foods such as salted peanuts, baked salmon and rice with bean.

Young people put sauce on the hot dogs and prepare food outdoors for the party.

This week, researchers published a food index with the objective of informing guidelines and helping Americans reach healthier and more environmentally stable diets.

Researchers from the Department of Environmental Health of the Michigan School of Public Health have published their findings on their newly developed Health Nutritional Index in the Nature journals, drawing on the GBD study for dietary risk components in 2016, and the harmful effects of certain food-related health effects.

"Previous research on healthy and sustainable diets generally restricted their conclusions to a debate of foods based on plants vs. animals, the latter being stigmatized as the least nutritious and sustainable," says the report. "While we show that plant-based diets generally perform best, significant fluctuations in plant and animal feedingstuffs should be recognized before such generalized conclusions are justified."

Researchers have also categorised meals as nutritional and environmental, or global warming in a short period. Foods of poor nutritional value and production linked to high ecological effects (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions), include beef, processed meat, pork and lamb, cheese-based food and certain salmon plates. Healthy and environmentally sustainable products included nuts, fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and some seafood. By contrast, the majority of chicken, milk and egg products and cooked cereals fell into the middle area.

Researchers have observed that replacing cattle and meat for fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes and certain marine foods with ten per cent daily calorie consumption can have important health benefits.

Researchers have identified that shifting 10% of the calorie consumed every day from beef to processed meat could have considerable health benefits for fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and selected fish.

"This shows that nutrient helpful diets may not always produce the lowest environmental effects, in agreement with prior studies and vice versa," concluded the authors of the study.

Finally, researchers concluded that exchanging 10% of daily caloric consumption for fruit, vegetable, nut, legumes and certain meats from beef and processed meat could have significant health benefits, with the team citing 48 minutes per person per day and a 33 percent lower dietary carbon footprint.

Chapter 6: 

Connect With Nature 



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Being able to connect with nature has many wonderful benefits both for the good of one’s mental health and physical health. Nature is one of God’s free gifts to human kind and learning to appreciate it should be everyone’s priority. However sadly this is not so, as everyone is busy rushing around trying to keep their lives in order.



Communing with nature will allow a person to slow down and just enjoy what is there for free. It only requires the individual stop and “soak” it all in. spending more time outdoors is one way to connect with nature. Playing or just walking in the park is a healthy way to relax and enjoy each other’s company or to just be alone with the beauty offered by nature. 


When one is able to consciously connect with nature there will be a significant change in both body and mind. These changes that happen are positive in nature and very beneficial to an individual. Taking the time to really relax and focus on just the pleasure of nature and some quiet time, will allow the body to recharge and yet achieve a certain level of calmness which is gotten from being connected to nature.  


All age groups should be taught to stop and connect with nature as often as possible. For kids playing outdoors, taking a nature walk or even working in an environment where they are exposed to animals will help build so many positive attributes in them. 


When it comes to teens it may not be as simple. To expect them to spend time with nature can be quite a challenge. However encouraging them to take up an outdoor sport, engaging in seasonal projects that require the outdoor experience or simply learning about the different naturally garnered foods, are just a few ways to entice them to be more connected to nature. 

Chapter 7: 

Connect With Your Spirituality 




Setting aside time everyday to connect with one’s spirituality can in most instances be easier said than done. For most people the time set aside to do this may be perceived as wasted and thus the reluctance to do so ends up being detrimental not only to the individual but to all around. 



Connecting spiritually has many benefits both mental and physical. There are several ways an individual can connect with their own spirituality. One of them is through voluntary services. When one sets aside time to become a volunteer, one is actually learning to put another person’s needs before one’s self. This teachers the individual to be more giving and less selfish. 


Spending some alone time everyday communing with the inner spirit is beneficial to both the mental and physical health. Making a conscious effort to let go of all the troubles and cares and simply focus on the potential calmness and serenity that is apparent allows the mind to be able to tackle the problem with renewed strength and vigor.  


Practicing sessions of meditation is also a common practice when trying to connect spiritually. Most people seek this style of quite time activity to try and enhance their senses to be able to connect with their inner self. 


Praying is also another way to make the ever evasive connection with one’s spirituality. If done often and consistently praying can and will be an effective way of ensuring this connection. The peace and calmness one can derive from this will definitely benefit both body and mind. 


Spending time with nature will allow one’s spiritual senses to be heightened and thus cause the individual to be more sensitive to the surroundings. Through the exercise the body slowly releases its dependence on holding on to any stress and learns to relax thus connecting spiritually. 

Chapter 8: 

Learn To Forgive Yourself And Others 




In order to live a healthy life both mentally and physically one must learn to forgive. Forgiveness allows an individual to work through the hurts and bitterness experienced and to let go of all the negative elements. In embracing the act of forgiveness and moving on the body and mind can then start to experience the peace, hope and joy that is the byproduct of forgiveness.



The physical implications are vast and serious when it comes to harboring unforgiveness. There are actual scientific researches that conclusively agree that the body’s chemical make up is disturbed dramatically when there is resentment and unforgiveness in the individual.  


This disturbance that causes the imbalance will then transcend into either serious or mild unhealthy medical conditions. Some of these conditions can escalate to further seriousness if the unforgiveness goes unchecked. 


Perhaps knowing some of the benefits that can be enjoyed if unforgiveness was absent, the individual would be more willing to let go and move on.  


Healthier relationships can be fostered when the step to forgive is taken. This is because the individual bearing the grudge will be able to release all the negative energy that is dominant in the unforgiveness element. 


A greater level of spiritual and physiological state of well being can be attained. This level of release will also ensure the corresponding peace and joyous feelings to be abounded. Medically, stress levels are considerable lowered as with blood pressures. There will also be less likely symptoms of depression, anxiety, and chronic pains. 


Though forgiveness is not an easy thing to do, however it is not only vital bit also possible to achieve. The process of forgiveness starts one step at a time.  


It is a committed act of consciously accepting the facts and moving away from the pain and rejections caused. The end desired product is the ability to gain the positive elements of compassion and understanding. 

Chapter 9: 

Exercise To Release Endorphins 




Endorphins – is popularly associated with the exhilaration feelings brought on by pain, danger, or certain forms of stress. 

These endorphins work as sedative receptors to help to suppress pain or discomfort both in body and mind.


Move Around 


A good exercise regiment is also another way to release endorphins. Some athletes are able to push themselves to higher limits because of the release of the endorphins during the exercise regiments. These endorphins dull the pain that would otherwise be felt. 


Because these are a natural by product, produced within the human body it is certainly a legal way to getting high and staying that way for a period of time. Also to date there are no known negative side effects to the production of endorphins in the human body makeup.  


A lot of people advocate turning to an exercise regimen that can be quite exhausting in order to produce the relevant levels of endorphins to suppress the presence of any negative feelings or physical pain. The adequate release of endorphins can ensure the individual stays in a state of bliss.  


Some medical experts are at odds as to whether the endorphins are released by the physical exercise or because of the mental pressure from meeting the physical challenge. However all agree that exercising is a great way to release the endorphin levels into the body system. 


It should be noted that endorphins are not only released through an exercise regiment but can be released through other activities too. These may include eating spicy food or achieving an orgasm during a sexual act. Both very different scenarios but both are capable of producing the same amounts of endorphins to create a state of pleasure. Thus the practice of seeking some level of pleasure through the release of endorphin is pretty common as it does not require unusual or difficult processes. 

Chapter 10: 

How Your Sadness Can Affect Others 




Seeking help to address this state of constant sadness is necessary, otherwise there may come a time when the individual has no friends around who are willing to stand by him or her.

Some Hints 


When it comes to family members, having to live with someone who is in a constant state of sadness is very challenging indeed. The guilt that the family members feel can cause further negative energy to be expounded. Family member may also feel guilty for any happiness that have or are able to achieve when faced with the individual’s sadness. There is also the danger of anger feelings manifesting within the family unit if the individual suffering from sadness is unwilling to seek the necessary help to address the problem. 


Friend will also slowly turn away from the individual if there is a constant aura of sadness around the individual. Here also the general feeling of happiness can cause everyone to feel suppressed for fear of offending the individual going through the sadness stage. If continued unchecked this general resentment can snowball into causing others to be unsympathetic toward the individual going through the sadness stage. 


An even more negative result of constantly being sad is the health issues that it can cause. When these health issues become severe, the others around who may initially try to be supportive will eventually lose whatever patience they have for the individual going through the sadness phase.

Wrapping Up 

Generally people like being around other happy people, thus when one is constantly sad or down there is a very real possibility that the percentage of people willing to be around are almost nil. There is already a lot of stress and strife in the world so adding to it by being in a constant state of sadness will not only be damaging but is also quite unhealthy.

“Get Your Hands On The Ultimate Guide For Live Improvement Through This Massive Guide On Achieving Happiness And Let It's Magic Change Your Life Forever!"

Chapter 1:
What Does True Happiness Really Mean

There are many scientific and natural therapy ways to achieve some level of happiness. With practice and conscious perseverance it is possible to achieve almost complete true happiness. Here are some insights as to how to make this possibility a reality.

The Start Point

Being a people person has the benefits of creating a happy and comfortable state of mind which in turn transcends into a happy reality. People who have various different relationships in their lives or are able to share their daily life cycles with others are often noted to be happy people.

Being a caring person also creates a level of happiness in an individual. The knowledge and satisfaction gained from being able to extend a helping hand is indeed gratifying. 

Doing voluntary work or simply spending time with people in need of companionship can and usually bring great mental rewards. 

Exercising regularly is also associated with a high degree of happiness. When the human body is running like a well tuned engine then all is well and this is clearly shown in the individual’s demeanor and state of mind. Happy people are almost always healthy people; the state of the mind ensures this.

Having a hobby or goal that is fulfilling is also another way to focus on achieving happiness. Doing something on a daily basis that is not only enjoyable but also fulfilling brings about the general feeling of happiness and joy. 

For some people being spiritually connected is being happy. Spiritual fulfillment help an individual to be one with both body and mind, and this is achieved then the surroundings have little or no negative impact on their lives.

Chapter 2:
Experience And Honor Your Feelings

Feelings are like an inner compass for any individual. In the quest to understanding one’s feelings the individual is better equipped to handle whatever comes into their life’s path. Being in touch and acknowledging one’s feeling also allows for the individual to explore these feeling and thus become more aware of what brings him or her true happiness.


However one must also be aware of the follies of just following one’s feelings with the discerning intelligence of the mind. Sometimes following one’s feelings can lead to less than desired circumstances and problems, thus feelings should be check before allowing it to be the dominant factor in executing things.

Here are some ways to experience and honor the individual’s feeling without the detrimental effects if can or is likely to cause.

When the mind tells the body it is feeling something, the first thing to do, is to try to identify the said feeling and categorize it accordingly. In doing so, one can then discern if this feeling, if indulged will bring positive or negative results.

Once the feeling has been acknowledged then the process of understanding the reason for the feeling can begin. Only then should the feeling be indulged in or totally disregarded. Generally after an unbiased discerning exercise is done, the feeling if still strong, usually means that is it going to be fairly dominating in the individual’s life.

Exercising a certain degree of validation of the said feeling is important. All too often people tend to disregard their feelings and emotions that are linked to the feeling and this can cause grave damage is left unchecked for too long.

Therefore it may be prudent to exercise indulgence to a certain degree in a particular feeling if the outcome is found to be non destructive and instead producing wonderfully positive results.

Chapter 3:
Put Together A Daily Ritual

Starting the day on a positive note usually means the entire day will unfold in a positive way too. The positive mind set at the onset of a day plays a huge role in how the individual’s day will unfold and how the individual will cope with the events of the day.

 Altering Actions

Most people indulge in a daily ritual before embarking on the day ahead. Some of these rituals may include the mind; some may focus on the body, while others would wisely focus on both the body and mind.

Those who are more spiritually in tuned would start the day by addressing this aspect of their life. Preparing the body and mind to reach and remain in a certain spiritual mind set allows the individual the luxury of facing the day with a strong spiritual conviction. 

This will then provide the necessary strength and wisdom to work with all the challenges and possible circumstances that are like to unfold during the course of the day.

Others may opt to energize their coming daily activities and schedules with a good physical workout. Exercising regularly and ideally at the beginning of the day allows the body to recharge and revitalize after a good night’s rest.

Eating a hearty and healthy meal at the beginning of the day is always advisable. Most medical professional insist that this ritual be practiced without deviation as the first meal is very important in providing the energy for the rest of the day.

Other daily rituals may include having a set routine that is comfortable and less like to cause stress. Planning the day to ensure a smooth flow of activities is always better than running around aimlessly trying to get as many things done as possible. This is a good way to stay motivated as each thing scheduled for the day gets done quickly and effectively.

Chapter 4: 
Find Out Your Passions And Them Do That 
Working of something that one is passionate about gives the mind and body that extra boost needed to get the task done well and with a feeling of complete satisfaction. 

 What Do You Love 

Discovering the single most important thing at the moment in an individual’s life and then working on it to bring it to fruitfulness will require a certain amount of passion to make it a success. But in doing so there is a certain amount of new vitality both in mind and in spirit that bring out the energy and zest required to see the endeavor through. 
Keeping as focused as possible is another way to find out what drives an individual. When there are fewer distractions around in the individual’s life, the ability to search with a focused mind what the individual is passionate about can be very beneficial.  
This focused finding will also increase the chances of the individual embarking on the findings quickly and efficiently because of the level of passion involved. 
If the task or endeavor proves to be a difficult one to undertake then the level of passion for the said activity will be what carries the individual to work on it until successful completion is achieved. Being passionate and staying passionate is the deciding factor on the merits of working on the project until completion, therefore this element is a very important ingredient in the make up of success. 
Trying many different things may also be one way of actually discovering what the individual is likely to be most passionate about. 
However the danger here is that in trying too many different things the individual may end up doing nothing to completion at all. Therefore here again the element of passion plays a huge role in defining what is most enjoyable to the individual.

Chapter 5: 
Do For Others 
A good motto in life is to do unto others what you would like done unto you. This very real desire has many far reaching connotations. In trying to practice this motto one would be more aware on one’s own actions and how it affects others. 

In realizing no man is an island; people acknowledge the fact that in order to have harmony other people’s feelings and thoughts must be considered. This will foster better ties between individual and as a group which in turn will create a harmonious and conducive environment. 
Daily trying to be more aware of other people’s feeling also help an individual to be more sensitive to others and thus be less selfish. This is a good attribute to develop as people generally like being around those who are thoughtful and accommodating. 
Always extending a helping hand is also another trait that is rather endearing. More often than not, people who are helpful will always be popular and an asset to have around.  
There is also a sense of fulfillment when the hand to help is extended. By doing this it also inculcates the fact that a lot of people will be more than willing to help the individual if the need arises.  
Showing a positive side is always a good thing as nobody wants to be unpleasant to someone who is polite, gentle, and giving. These virtues if practiced often enough will eventually reflect back unto the individual and thus cause other to do likewise.  
Another popular saying is what goes around comes around is also similar in virtue to the above popular notion. When the example is set to do good those around will learn from this example and try to emulate the wonderful virtue. Thus more people will be more considerate and kind and the world will be a better place indeed.



All fairytales usually end with the words “And they lived happily ever after”. Everybody is constantly striving to achieve their expectation of happiness. So what is it about happiness that is so perfect? Here are a few benefits that being happy can give you.


You get better health!

Happy people are more likely to have a stronger immune system. They are also shown to endure pain better. Did you also know that happy people are less likely to suffer from depression and there are also fewer suicides because happy people just have better coping skills?


They live longer

People who are always looking on the bright side of life, tend to live longer than pessimists. So what are you waiting for? Have a new positive outlook today.


Success at work

Happier people are more productive at work. When you are happy, not only you feel better, you also have more energy and are able to focus. This increases productivity and creativity. They tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and more happiness shows higher income! Unhappy people are more sluggish, distracted and they are also less productive at work. When working with clients, clients are also attracted to one who emits a positive emotion. A happy person exudes confidence and this confidence will attract more clients.


Better relationships

People are always drawn to happy people. They would want to be around a happy person. Like attracts like. Your whole life becomes happier because you have established a warm and loving character. Your family and friends also become happier. Furthermore, your children respond well to positive thoughts and positive emotions. You will get your children laughing around and growing to happy adults too. In addition, your spouse will also be more loving in your response to your happiness.


So what are you waiting for? Happiness has many benefits and there are no downsides to being happy. So make a choice to be happy today!

Complete Happiness Click here

Many families now are suffering from issues such as separation, divorce, turmoil and even domestic violence. So how are you going to make your family a happy one? Here are five simple tips.

1. Focus on teamwork

In any successful sports team, teamwork is extremely important and forms the backbone of the team. A happy family need that too. You could start by doing simple things together like chores and move on to planning a vacation together. If your child has a problem at school, both of you could sit down together and try to solve that problem together. 

2. Spend time together

Try allocating time everyday to spend some quality family time together. Try having activities together like a jog in the park or game night on Friday where all of you could sit down together and play board games. 

3. Enjoy each other’s company.

While spending time with each other, don’t treat it as a chore. You need to learn to enjoy each other’s company. When you enjoy each other’s company, it creates a happier and enjoyable environment at home.

4. Have dinner together

This may sound simple but families hardly do it! The parents might come home late or the children may be busy with their after school activities. You need to start doing this. Family dinners are absolutely essential. When you eat together, you will be able to spend time together and know how each other days went. You may learn what went on during school and you can tell them what happen in yours. So you are actually encouraging your kids to share.

5. Be understanding.

Try to be understanding of each other. You need to accept each other for all your talents and limitations. By understanding each other it will create an environment of warmth and trust.

Most importantly, you need to remember, friends may come and go, but your family will always be there for you. So start creating your happy family now.

Being Happy With Yourself: A Step By Step Guide

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and started criticizing your appearance? Or there is that little voice in your head that keeps on putting you down? Well, learn to shut that voice and all that negative thoughts. All those thoughts are just pulling you down and stopping you from being happy. Happiness is a choice and you need to choose to be happy. So read our step by step guide on how to be happy.

Firstly, you need to be yourself. Forget about trying to fulfil other people’s expectation. Don’t live your life for others. If you fulfilled their expectations, would you feel happier? The answer is NO. Start living life for yourself!

Secondly, you need to learn to accept yourself. Take a piece of paper. Now write down all your flaws. Write down everything that you hate about yourself. After you looked at it, now tear it up! You need to learn to accept yourself. Now write down a list of the things that you love about yourself. Be kind to yourself. You will soon discover there are plenty of things to love about yourself.

Thirdly, take out the emotional trash.  Do you have friends who are always putting you down and making fun of you? Well you don’t need that kind of people. The only reason they are making fun of you is because they derive pleasure from putting you down. So cut them out of your life. You won’t lose out.

Fourthly, laugh everyday. Hang out with your friends, watch a funny movie, have long chats with old friends and reminisce about the past. Make it a point to laugh everyday. Laughter will help you relax, boost your immune system and help you in general. So learn how to laugh!

Fifthly, try something new! Try a new experience every single day. Life is too short to be spent in the same old routine every single day. So try something new! Be open to new stuff. You never know that you have some hidden talent and you will soon get to see yourself in a whole new light.

So what are you waiting for? Make the wise decision of being happy today. You have the choice and you might as well choose it now.

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A Simple Guide To Being Happy At Work

Nobody ever thought you could derive happiness from work but you can do that. Studies have found that people who are happier at work have an overall better quality of life than people who are always frustrated because of their work. So how do you be happy at work?

Most importantly, you need to choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice. Think positively about your work. Try avoiding the negative aspects of the office like gossips and backstabbing colleagues. Find colleagues who you get along with and who share the same interest as you. Spend time with them and get to know them. You can always ask them out for drinks after work or have your lunches with them.

Next, don’t be stuck in a rut at your work. You need to take charge of your own professional development. You may not be able to grow or learn as much as your want from your current job. However, this doesn’t mean that you will not be able to grow professionally. Make specific plans about what you want to achieve and how you will go about achieving it. Will it be you taking up extra classes to pick up new skill? Anything! Don’t be on a plateau phase. Keep on going up!

Then, you could ask for feedback from your boss and from your customers. Tell your boss that you would like to hear his opinion about your work. Try getting feedbacks form your clients too. If you are doing a good job, this will further affirm your believe that you are doing a good job but if there are negative criticisms, take it as an opportunity to grow from their feedbacks.

In conclusion, you can be happy in your job if you choose to be. However if all else fails, it is probably time to re-evaluate your current job and employer. You don’t have to stay there your whole life. Make a conscious decision to change now!

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Everyone strives to be happy but the mistake that everyone makes is that they think that happiness is some kind of finishing line in a race. Once you crossed that line, you will live happily ever after. That is not true. Happiness is a choice! You can choose to make your life happy. So here are a few ways you could try.

1. Let go of past memories.

Everyone has both sad and happy moments. So forget about your painful memories. What’s in the past stays in the past. Instead focus on your good memories and move on.

2. Be optimistic.

Always try looking on the bright side of things. Look for the silver lining behind each dark cloud. For example, if you had an unfortunate accident and your car is badly dented, but on the bright side is that nobody got hurt and that dent in your car can be repaired. There is always a bright side to look on so be optimistic!

3. Be close to your family

Try and maintain a close relationship with your family and friends. Our relationships with them have a greater impact on our happiness than anything else. Human beings are made to be social creatures. So appreciate the existing relationships that you have.

4. Try finding a job that gives you happiness.

If you are feeling stressed out in your current job and not getting the job satisfaction that you want, perhaps it’s time for a career change. Job satisfaction plays an important part in your happiness. So give your job a chance. Try having a positive attitude in your job. If that doesn’t work, it may time for a change of jobs.

5. Make friends

You need to make friends with people who share a common interest. Find something that you are deeply passionate about. It could be a hobby or an organization you can volunteer in. There you could meet people who the same interest and passion as you. 

6. Exercise

Exercising releases endorphins. So, not only you are taking care of your body but you will automatically start to feel good about yourself. 

7. Change your thinking

You have to start living life to the fullest. Don’t delay your life a second longer. Try something new everyday or pick up a new skill!

8. Don’t let the small stuff bug you. 

Remember all the small petty stuff that used to bother you? Forget all about it and focus on the bigger picture. Life is too short to be worry about trivial stuff.

9. Live your life for yourself.

Stop trying to live your life up to other people’s expectations. You are your own person. So start living it for yourself!

10. Lastly, remember to love with all your heart. You have all these love to give so give your love to something and start feeling happy today!

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